This site includes many functions that allow you to work with us from your office or home. Of course, it's sometimes still necessary (or preferred) to conduct business in-person. That being said, we've provided the necessary information to locate us or make contact with one of our representatives.
Media Blitz, Inc. hours are 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.
(We are open 24 hours online for submitting files/orders, or quotations)
Directions to Media Blitz, Inc.
4545 N. Michigan Ave.
Saginaw, MI 48604 USA
Coming from the North or South on I-75:
Merge onto I-675 toward DOWNTOWN SAGINAW
Take the TITTABAWASSEE RD. Exit. (Exit 6)
Go to the first light and turn South (Right) onto N. Michigan Ave.
Media Blitz, Inc. will be 1/2 mile from the light on the right.